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Pansy dew twists...
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Nov-17-2007 01:57

There is a twist in which Pansy Dew tells you about a suspect being hauled by the cops. I know this reveals the name in the list, buty does it also mean that the suspect cannot be the killer???
It says in the twist that the detective thinks that this suspect may not be the killer.



Nov-17-2007 06:07

I also thought that the person doesn't need to be accused. But as I wasn't sure i quit the case. The same person was the killer....

Pinball Amateur

Nov-17-2007 14:51

As you said, it says that Pansy, Charlotte, or whoever the rich socialite is in a particular city, she only THINKS that the person isn't guilty. She has no more actual knowledge about the case (apart from seeing this person hauled off in cuffs), than I do about Ben's shoe size (I'd guess about a 10 1/2, but it's only a guess). The suspect named is just as likely to be the guilty one as any other in the list. Don't let the socialite fool you into letting your guard down, please.


Nov-18-2007 02:13

Yeah, but strangely, "my" dreams are more reliable... ;-)

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