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Conflicting evidence?
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Oct-29-2007 04:13

My experience is that if you have two pieces of evidence then usually (if not always?) one will point to the killer and the other will not!

So for example, you found a piece of curly hair and a bloody footprint from a slim person at the crime scene. The killer is both slim and has curly hair but if you match him/her to the hair then he won't match the footprint (which won't match ANY of your suspects)!

This seems to be true to most of my cases. Anyone care to comment?


Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Oct-29-2007 04:27

Every PE you find at the crime scene will match to one of your suspects. If your suspect has no alibi or a false alibi then he is guilty.

Now just to be warned, if you have a PE and it doesn't match any of your suspects, it means you still have to find some suspects has you didn't find them all. So just make sure you are certain before accusing the suspect. A false accusation can be very costly...

Mael Teaguzzler
Mael Teaguzzler

Oct-29-2007 05:23

Yup... That's what happened to me earlier today, look at my "Bug?" topic. Damn, I thought I'd never make this mistake and yet I did.

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