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Leaving Lone Wolf

Mike Mitchell 2
Mike Mitchell 2

Oct-28-2004 13:01

I have decided along with other directors from Lone Wolf to merge with Star agency. I will miss Lone Wolf but know its for the best


Old Shoe

Oct-28-2004 13:30

I'm sad to leave behind an agency that was doing great and reached number 7 on the board, and if at all possible, I would like it continue on by other agents. We had alot of great times there, but since Star opened it's doors, we felt it best to merge. Together we'll both have the help needed for the treasure hunts and in processing cases. Besides this, I have a close friend there, that I worked with in another agency for months and had great times there. It didn't matter to me to let go of Lone Wolf in order to join forces with Star. What matters is being able to enjoy the game while being successful at the same time. At Lone Wolf, M.Zane, along with a few more agents, were the only ones able to process cases and try to win hunts. It became a burden to us to work up to 15 hours some days. This merge will help us all.


Oct-28-2004 16:59

I was wondering what happened to you guys. And glad to hear there was not some sort of fall out within Lone Wolf.

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