May-13-2004 09:53
Hurmph! All you "amateur types" with your "fine theories" and grabbing the headlines! Well I'll think you'll find we "plodding" Inspectors, have our own methods, tried and true, up at the Yard. Sure and steady, that's the race! Why it's rumored the "offical force" might even consider adding a "wire-tapping" skills, similar in "modus", to that of lock-picking, in gaining evidence, "behind the scenes"? Or perhaps those of a "master of disguise" skills by which to re-interview clammed-up suspects, or even as an adjustment in "accessorys before the fact" in the more advanced investigations? Not that your, occassional suggestions, haven't proven of some small use to us in our investigations in the past... However you might say, that it would rather elementary to deduce that a gun shop would also carry knives, as it would seem, in fact, most do? And so to return to your original premise, a gun shop, does have a better "ring of truth" about it than say a weapons store, what?...
May-15-2004 00:11
OH, I forgot to add another idea that I had. Would it be possible to make a link from the person's page in the "case file" directly to them? So that we can look at what we know, and then go to interview them, rather than
"case file"->person->map->person
Does that make sense?