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Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Oct-1-2007 22:32

Hello, everyone! I'm me! :)

Ha ha. I noticed, somewhere, that they try to release scripted mysteries once a month. That's only 12 a year! I intend to try and make it two a month. I am currently writing (In my other profile) 3 mysteries. Once I come up with an idea, I get about halfway through, by writing all the big stuff.

The questions and stuff are harder. The point is, they're coming. Now, the point of this thread is to tell you I'm here. :) The second, and more important, I'd like your help. Let's keep writer's-block away, and throw in some ideas for them! I'll choose the good ones, and start writing them!

Okay, I've made this kind of like a speech, so, sorry about that. But, I'll reward you! I'll mention your name, that you gave the idea. Scripted mysteries are better than random, we all probably agree on that. So, let's keep making them!

Just one little request: Keep this thread spam-free. It's easier if I don't have to sift through a whole lot of spam to find the ideas.

Well, there you go! So, start-a-brainstorming!

P.S. I'll be posting in both profiles here, so I'll mention who I am when I do. Thanks!


Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Oct-15-2007 05:20

AC, my second parts was refering to a possible contest with scripted mysteries.

Judges for the contest would have to be invited to view the mysteries that was all.

In a recent contest a watch was suggested as a prize for a future contest of undetermined nature. So I suggested that as the prize for this contest. I believe I was thinking that the contest would take so much time to go through that that a timepiece as a prize would seem appropriate.

I'm sorry, I was tired and when I am tired I skip logical steps.

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Oct-15-2007 05:35

Sounds pretty good! Dave, me or Kevin Greene, (I use them both, sorry for any confusion, but all my scripts are with AC.), Huglover and Stooby. We judge, unless that's too many. If we can, we could hand out first, second and third prizes.

Let's judge on the best idea for a story. Judging the actual story would be waaaaaay too hard. I'll get back to you on this one later, but I have to go now.

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Oct-15-2007 05:39

Oh! I'm making these movies and coming up with the idea. I write one only at the library, one when I'm around pretty girls, one when I'm near music, and one every other time.

Weird, but that's how I do it! Or if I'm in the mood for each particualar one. I have 13 ideas, but I'm just keeping track of those and starting on them later.

Oh! Making the movies is with a game. I will upload them onto the internet so if you want to see them, I'll give you the link when they're finish.

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