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How long to get 2nd contact?
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Zoriah Bastin
Zoriah Bastin

Sep-20-2007 00:33

I read somewhere that it might take a long time, say 150,000 exp - especially if you are trying to get them both in the same city.

I am a little confused though because I checked some fellow detectives in the high score area and I saw that some people with well under 100,000 xp have 3-4 contacts, sometimes 2 in the same city. I saw one lady detective with about 163,000 xp and about 7 contacts. How is that possible? These were journeymen detectives I was checking out. Yes, I am a little ambitious and rather anxious to acquire a PE contact. ;)

I guess my question the contacts you show have anything to do with belonging to Agencies? I mean I checked the agencies but even then different people had differing numbers of contacts and different ones, so that doesn't seem to be the case.

Is the best thing for me to do, if I want a PE (since I have the WE contact in NY), just to keep turning over the cases and favors in NY and hoping I get lucky eventually?



Sep-20-2007 21:36

I just found this thread and if I read it correctly you only can have two contacts per city, one PE and one WE?

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Sep-20-2007 22:04

Yes, that is correct!

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