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Sep-8-2007 12:12

I've read in a post that you have to pay a daily rent for detective agencies, however is this true if I purchased an apartment?



Sep-9-2007 00:58

However, if your sub runs out and you don't renew it right away, you will lose access to your apartment until you do renew. The apartment doesn't disappear, it still exists and all your stuff is in it, but you can't get to it.


Sep-9-2007 09:15

Exactly what i needed to know. Thank all so much. I appreciate it. :D

Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan

Sep-9-2007 09:23

you do still have access to your apartment when your subscription runs out

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Sep-9-2007 11:38

As you can see, apartments are still pretty new and we don't know all the answers about what can and can not be done when you are unsubscribed/subscribed. :D

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Sep-9-2007 11:52

Ok, found one answer by looking at Ben's (Sleuth Admin) post history.

Ben says:
Jun-7-2007 11:46
That was changed, as some apartment owners said they did not understand that to be the case when they purchased their apartments.

You now can access your apartment after your subscription expires, but you are not able to move, invite guests, buy/sell furniture or redecorate. You still can access any gear or cases stored in your apartment.

Now can you buy an apartment as an unsubbed? Well, I am currently unsubbed, and when I looked at buying apartments I did have the option to buy. I don't know if it would say anything differently if I had actually pressed the 'buy' button because I did not wish to use my agency funds to purchase an apartment. So, as far as I can tell, you can buy one while unsubbed, but if Ben's statement is true, you can not buy furniture while unsubbed, so not sure how much good it would do to have an apartment.

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