False accusations - no money.
Ginny Weasley
Aug-26-2007 16:22
I somehow got a 2nd false accusation despite using Dr. Watson. But it costs 20k to remove them and I only have 5,000. I'm deathly afraid of accidentally getting a third, because I have no idea how to be safer than to note everything like I've been doing methodically. What do I do? Keep playing and risk it?
Replies |
Aug-26-2007 19:03
You might try speaking with your agency Directors to see if the agency can help you out. Many agencies will, as long as the agent doesn't make a habit of false accuses.
Adonis Parker
Aug-27-2007 00:05
Or you can keep doing easier cases (less money, I know) and saving up until you can pay for it. It's very painful though.
Never guess unless it's red. :)
Aug-27-2007 00:20
But as Anikka said ask your directors. They'll get grumpy if it's a habit and you don't learn by mistakes but if you are a valued player they will help.