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can anyone give me some advice???
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Scott Lewis
Scott Lewis

Aug-25-2007 07:38

I'm trying to write a scripted mystery, and I have a basic outline of it in my head. But I'm having trouble with actually writing it out, especially in the area of describing the body( my victim is killed by a tiger that was purposely let loose from it's cage). Anyone have any tips to overcome my writer's block???


Old Shoe

Aug-27-2007 04:45

I knew I wasn't the only pacer out there!

Sleuth About Town

Aug-29-2007 15:47

:Not a pacer: But I can definitely suggest to write it out on paper too... that's what I do. It gives me knowledge what I have written... and it's easier for me at least, to see it on paper than to look at the screen blankly and not have any ideas.

Going with what someone else told me as well, try to picture it all in your mind like you're playing a movie and write down or type out, what you see in your mind's eye. that should help with descriptions.

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