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Botsie Boots
Botsie Boots
Old Shoe

Aug-23-2007 05:58

I am a subscribed member of sleuth but when I signed on this morning I not only had 0 cases it doesnt even show that I am subscribed but it does state that your subscription expires 10/4/07...what do I do about this or who should I contact...


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-23-2007 07:55

I have no cases either, my subscription date looks okay. I think a day should be added to that since I've already lost this day. I've lost 3 hours playing time and I can't make that up at the end of the day; not and keep a happy home anyway :(


Aug-23-2007 09:07

I will copy this and post it on the 3 threads about no cases today. Hoping the mods don't think I'm spamming!

I was on this morning and the server went down for maintenance at 11.30 p.m. Sleuth time and had not reset by 1 a.m. server time.

I think therefore whatever was done to the server caused problems. Hopefully Admin will sort things out soon.

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