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Is Shady getting soft?
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Aug-19-2007 23:01

Well, Shady's new column is out, and it's almost... well... touching. Not sure if they changed his drink over at the Tricky Mister, or he's just getting soft in his old age, but its nice to see another side to him.

To read the column, go to City Hall and click "Ask Shady".


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-2-2008 10:43

There was a new addition to "the family." And on top of that, SoM. I was hoping that shady's boss would appoint someone to cover shady's position but hope in one hand and ....

no, that's spit in one hand.

It would have to be someone who wouldn't tip their hand as to who they were.......and certainly not the hand with the spit as that would be a dead giveaway as to their identity.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

May-2-2008 19:01

I sent in a question just the other day. I don't know if I'll ever get an answer, or if that answer will mean anything, but I had to vent and I didn't want to risk posting spoilers on the boards.


Sep-4-2008 10:17

I'd forgotten Shady started answering mail....

*tip toes off to City Hall to see if there are any new Dear Shady's to enjoy*

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