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Joining an Agency

Lanny Lynn
Lanny Lynn

Aug-18-2007 08:13

When is a good time to join an agency? Should I wait for more experience or find an agency soon?



Aug-18-2007 09:16

Now! Never to early. You'll get oodles of help.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Aug-18-2007 10:08

It is better to join an agency as soon as possible. You'll get more out of it the sooner the join.

It is a lot easier to be on your own or start your own agency AFTER you have your contacts, all your smart skills and all your interview skills and the experience of agency life.

Being in an agency sooner than later also means you can switch factions a lot more easier.

I would actually recommend that everyone subscribes as a newbie for a month or two ... the help and the boost in cases makes a huge difference.

I really do not know where the idea that it would be better to have more experience before joining an agency comes from 'cause it's not right :)

Pinball Amateur

Aug-18-2007 12:43

An Agency's primary purpose in life (most of the time, anyway) is to help out less experienced players. You'll find for most Agencies you look at in the Directory, most of them only have one to two REALLY experienced players, the rest of the Associates are still growing and learning. So waiting to get more experience before joining an Agency is basically defeating the purpose of BEING in an Agency in the first place.

As my Uncle Lou likes to say, Ya gotta get your feet wet sometime! ;-)

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