New skill ideas
Dan Morihiko
Aug-12-2007 05:56
Hi there! I got some idea about new skills.
'Bargain' (charm)
Basicly, you spend LESS on everything! (Buy Items, Bribes, Pay rent, etc.)
and earn MORE on everything, too! (Sell Items, Case Payment, etc.
It could be divided to Basic, Intermediate, Advance levels. That will increase/decrease percentage of money you got or paid. Also each level can divide the scope of bargaining. (sorry, if i don't use the right words.)
And hey! We can make it NOT ALWAYS works, so it won't spoil the game. It will use your charm test to determine the result.
I mean, for examples: Basic Bargain give you 10% (+ or -) bargain rate & +5 charm when you Buy Items / Sell Items
Intermediate Bargain give 20% bargain rate & +10 charm when you Bribes / Use Horoscope /Pay Travel Cost / Solve Case (Client Payment)
Advance Bargain give 30% bargain rate & + 20 charm when you Pay Down Price (Real Estate, both resident & agency) / Pay Rent / (and guess what?) when you ask help from Shady!!!
The Advance level should be made very expensive, by the way.
Another skill i'd like to propose is 'Lucky' (i don't know which category this one should be put into)
It will work like this: Once per case, you get a 10% chance to get one random event/encounter that RANDOMLY give you one of these:
-Meet one of the suspect on the way => You can ask him/her one extra question, even when he/she already clammed up. Quite like Surveillance, i think.
-Meet one of the townspeople on the way => Like the previous one, but with the townspeople instead. (Useless if he/she is your contact)
-Overheard people talking => Clear one's no/fake alibi. Work just like research. (Useless if you already got research skill, or not if it's a different suspect :D)
-Spotted the ran away suspect => Give the suspect's location.
-Found dropped money => Gain a small amount of money.
-more, but I got no idea for now
Please tell me what you guys think. 'Cos I'm quite new to this game
Replies |
Soni Radyo
Aug-14-2007 14:17
bargaining would be AWESOME!!!
Dave Von Wave
Aug-16-2007 05:22
How about this as a new package of skills:
Surrepticious bribe - Toughness - Anyone can bribe but to really get the message across takes skill. (Allowing you to bribe a person one more time for extra info. Once per case only)
Clairvoyance - Smarts - Tells you when enough is enough. (Replacing the fortune teller by showing a screen when you got all suspects in a case. Saying:I had gained enough experience from previous cases to tell me that there would be no more people with a motive to kill [victimName]. It was time to work out who the killer was.)
Bargaining - Charm - Lets you cut some prices down to size. (10% + clothes-charm % off of Shadys fee)
All three of them should have a ridiculously high skillpoint price. Say 20?
I know that the clairvoyance is pointless, it is just a throwaway to equal the balance out between the three skill-types.
I just really like the bargaining and could have used Surrepticious bribe several times over.
Dan Morihiko
Aug-16-2007 12:21
Lady Emerald Devon, thanks for your compliment. I really like your idea of Seance skill, so I put my wild idea into it. When using this skill the result may be like this...
You can communicate with [victim]'s spirit. So you ask about the killer, then he/she reply that the killer is a heavy person.
I think you get the point, the spirit of the victim will tell one characteristic of the killer. (male/female, curly hair/straight hair, left handed/right handed, slim/heavy)
Of course, some one will say that this is another funny skill that will make the game TOO EASY. So I put condition to use in it too.
Seance skill can be use ONLY when a suspect in your case just be killed. I mean the second victim that happen randomly. For this skill can only be use with person that just recently dead. I make sense that another person is dead, you can then communicate with the spirit that didn't wander away from the crime scene.
More idea about this is it could be more skill type like "Spiritual" or "Occultist" and put Seance and Lucky in it. Since no detective has this archtype, there is no cost reduce for skills in this type.
Dave Von Wave, Surrepticious bribe is sure a very handy skill to have. If i got one i will frequently use it. :D
Dave Von Wave
Aug-16-2007 14:29
And yet it is not 0verpowered. Many a case has gone by where I'd like to bribe someone just one more time.
Like your revision of the seance skill too.
Armitage Shanks
Aug-16-2007 23:01
I still like the idea of being able to pay for a seance at the fortune teller (as for consulting the fates) and get a percentage chance to get one more answer from a dead suspect.
Dave Von Wave
Aug-17-2007 04:39
Eh, I could go either way with the two seance skills. In fact it doesn't need to be a skill at all, could just be a new feature with the fortune teller.
I don't like the idea of a new archetype. That would just get messy, what with new occult clothes and old clothes that would make more sense as giving bonuses to the occult. As I said, a mess!
I would like to change the proposed skill "Claivoyance" to "Arithmetic" to fit in more with the smarts skills.