ocean liner
hannah blue
Aug-9-2007 14:58
there should be an ocean liner that one could get on ( a substitute for a city ) and one could solve a mystery around the ship ( the grand salon, the kitchen, the boiler room, the cabin, etc. ) and a computer game of 21 could be in the grand salon. one could stay on the ship to solve mysteries but the ship would not have any treasure hunts and one could not buy an apartment on the ship. from time to time the ship would dock in shainghai, and everybody would be kicked off the ship and find themselves in shaingahi..the ship would stay in shainghai for say 3 days and fill up again ( perhaps a limit of 20 players only ) and then sail off so to speak to arrive in london two weeks later..then everybody would get kicked off and one could get back on to be the next 20...the deal is when the ship leaves port you do not know to which city it will travel next..you
take your chances and every two weeks it kicks you off...perhaps one could limit 20 players from always staying on the ship by either charging a higher and higher fee to get on if you kept getting on all the time to stay on the ship or perhaps the computer would just let the first 20 on or perhaps the computer would take the last 20 who just got off and not allow them to get back on in the next 3 days at all....it could be called "the sleuthetania"...
Replies |
Con Artist
Jun-15-2008 21:15
I too have the waitress as a contact on the ship and in Cairo.
Old Shoe
Jun-15-2008 21:43
Allengu there is somewhere you can check the suspect list...
Jun-16-2008 00:18
Thanks ketamine! Found it!
Talk about random though. I don't get how that townie (shippie?) can have that responsibility.. wurd..
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jun-16-2008 03:33
I think it's more of a hobby with her than a responsibility. Seems fair enough to me.
Battered Shoe
Jun-16-2008 16:21
Anyone know if the FM is fixed yet?
Battered Shoe
Jun-16-2008 16:39
Nevermind.... It's not.
Irena Versailles
Jun-16-2008 21:41
I was doing the featured mystery and now wehen I clcik on the map screen I just get a white screen so i can't do anything. :(
Jun-16-2008 22:34
There's is a bug in the FM.
Quit the mystery and see if you can access the map page. If not, try logging out and back in, it seems to have worked for other people. I'm sure Ben will post somewhere when the bug is fixed.
Story Teller
Jun-16-2008 22:54
mmm The FM pre-dates the construction of the ship :) So I think the bug is from when it was written using the Cairo townies as place holders, and then ported out to the Ship.
Story Teller
Jun-16-2008 23:27
on a brighter note the favours are working just fine and dandy. What with the Parrot and the Naval Spyglass, I can feel myself getting very nautical :D