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Clumping together.
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Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-31-2007 07:23

Surely someone else than me must've noticed that if one suspect easily clams they all do, and the townspeople don't and vice versa. And so on and so forth. I assume it's got something to do with the "same thing behind door 2" rule, no? It's useful to me in that I use my questions more economically when I notice what pattern the current case follows. Any thoughts on this?


Armitage Shanks
Armitage Shanks

Aug-12-2007 03:42

Hehe. No don't. Please. o_O Then I would *have* to figure it out and that would spoil half the fun. -_-'

Old Shoe

Aug-12-2007 09:24

I have s0lved about 4000 cases. There have been some similarities in some cases. But not often enough that they could be called patterns. Variations aren´t limitless so of course there´s going to be same situations concerning guilty suspects.
I used to take notes on cases about almost everything. I couldn´t see any patterns, only similar solutions (ie. none alibi was guilty quite often when murder scene was peacefu or something like thatl).

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