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Crime scene decision
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Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-29-2007 10:06

Does anyone know exactly *when* the crime scene is spawned?

- Is it at the time you start the case and get the intro?

- Is it at the time you click 'continue' after reading the intro?

- Is it the first time you actually visit the scene (either by clicking "Investigate Crime Scene" or clicking the Crime Scene tab on the top)?

I am thinking it's the latter, but I just wanted to be sure.



Jul-29-2007 10:34

It wouldn't make sense for it to be generated later, everything needs to tie in eg. the PE matching only 1 person with a flase alibi, the research matching someone with false alibi, the male thread matching a male guy.

It therefore makes sense for the entire case to be randomly generated at the start whether or not you look at the crime scene sooner or later.

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-29-2007 22:46

Well it *could* possibly be generated in parts, every new part matching the previous, but like Lady Em put it: That would probably be a programmers nightmare. So I suppose it's all generated at once the moment you click the difficulty of the case.

But for example.. the person that dies during the investigation is an interesting factor. As we know it can be one with a false alibi, or one with no alibi, or no one at all. It can also be someone *already* eliminated by research! That was annoying let me tell you.. XD

Deborha Lee
Deborha Lee

Jul-30-2007 16:22

I always assumed that it is spawned at the beginning, but that it calculates what you will or will not find - and what you will or will not recognize - when you click on that search crime scene.

Logically speaking, I would think that the crime scene would have to be spawned in conjunction with the suspect list and killer selection. Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? The PE or the attributes of the suspects?

I suppose this could be done afterwards, but my sense is that the pause after the intro screen is just to load the thumbnails, and the pause upon entering the crime scene is to calculate how much you find and recognize based upon your skills and equipment.

The dead person can also be someone who has a valid alibi. What I've never been sure of is - Can the dead person be someone who had one of my WEs? I would say yes, because I sometimes have a full list, no clams, but still cannot find my second WE even with a PE and fake/no alibi on my killer. I double check if I can just for the heck of it.

'Frustrating' for me is when you are doing a favor; you go to the person you were given; you realize you are still wearing your smart gear; you go change; you come back and greet their corpse! Go say hello to the Townies!! ;) I was actually dumb enough to do that just the other day. lol

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-31-2007 01:36

You *can* ask for WE on dead people too. They aren't crossed out in that list. Though I can see why one chooses not to waste questions doing that. ;)

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-31-2007 02:36

Yes, the dead person could have been one of the people that were programmed to give WE.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-31-2007 02:37

(Hee, I think that is why someone wanted a Seance Skill :) )

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-31-2007 07:14

There could be another option at the fortune teller that cost more than the "consult the fates"-option that let you pay some $ to ask a question to a dead suspect. :D

miss guided
miss guided

Aug-2-2007 03:52

How many dead people do you know Jim, that would give you an answer?

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Aug-2-2007 07:18

Do you know what a seance is?

Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Aug-2-2007 09:16

On the chicken or the egg subject, I walked through the Mystery editor a few days ago and it specifies who the PE implicates.

Thus I would assume the normal code does that as well. It would be a fair extrapolation that PE and attributes are created seperately and one of the things that the crime scene page generates is what attributes the PE actually has. Depending on your skill in recognising and finding it and on the attribute of the implicated suspect.

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