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Crime scene call.
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Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-26-2007 03:52

I have been told more than once that the look of the crime scene absolutely doesn't have anything to do with anything, and that all the crime scene is there for is to find physical evidence.

However, I've been keeping records of sorts and I'm seeing patterns. They're not 100 % proof, but for the sake of statistics I'm putting this call out here asking for help.

What I'd like you to do is this:

When you get to the point in solving a case where you have all your suspects with false alibis isolated (minus potential dead ones and anyone cleared by using the research skill):

Copy + paste the description of the crime scene and the stats of the remaining suspects (including relation to victim, build and motive).

Then simply send it to me in a PM (Sleuth mail) and I will return to you a rating of all of the suspects from zero and up with zero being "least likely to be the killer" and the highest number "most likely to be the killer". Then you return to me a PM telling me who was indeed the killer.

As for now I can only notice that my system seems to be working, but some numbers on it would be nice.

Thanks in advance for any help I get.

ps. I don't know if there's an official word from Ben on wether or not the crime scene does indeed have nothing to do with anything, but even if there is one or he gives one I still would like to do this, for the heck of it. It's fun. Thanks.



Jul-27-2007 11:51

Gee, Ruby, are they located in CHICago? :-D

Old Shoe

Jul-27-2007 12:10

I have noticed something concerning a PE, a PE witness and an alibi. It´s not 100% working (nothing is) but at least it´s a start.
It´s always better to have some kind of a "clue" than just randomly asking questions.
(if you want to know what I mean, PM me)

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-28-2007 09:01

Ladies.. you can go on all you want about Psy-chics, coincidences and whatnot. :) Since statistics can never really show you what *will* happen, but only what have already happened, probability is worth just about nothing. Also if, say for example, 100 people experience one odd thing every year, it can just as well be 99 people experiencing nothing odd in a year and one person experiencing 100 odd things in a year. That's me, although it's more than 100. I'm not gonna start going through how completely and utterly "coincidential" my life is. But I've stopped getting surprised. Everyone around me still drops their jaws every time, but I can just as easily win every single hand I play at poker for the rest of my life, as not win any hand ever again. That's probablility. So please, don't make fun of my attempt to figure out if this is indeed a working system, or just my imagination. Thank you.


Jul-29-2007 18:47

Don't take what people are saying so seriously Mr Jim! If you read some of the other threads you'll see that there is quite a lot of silly comments, fun comments and so far as I can see, very little is ever meant seriously. Yes people are taking the mickey, and poking fun but it is not malicious, it is simply in fun, a game.

It seems to me that the majority of sleuthers are young people and sometimes young people go a bit too far in their fun - they haven't learnt the limits yet so please don't take it personally, just allow them to enjoy their youth - life gets too serious too fast as it is.

Let them have their fun while you have yours - cos if you're right then of course you'll have the best laugh and fun of all - and the more they've said the more your success will be at their expense!!!

Piccolo sighs - ah, the youth of today! Picks up her walking stick and toddles slowly out of the room.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-29-2007 18:55

People that are younger than you are smarter than you think Piccolo!!

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-29-2007 23:07

People that are younger are dumber than they think, Jas. ;) Or rather (to not make it sound so harsh), the older you get the less you realize you really know. Enter humility.

However.. I try time and again to speck my sarcastic comments with smilies to show they're not *all* seriously meant. Piccolo, you read my mind, and the smilies are in there to show it.

Lucky Stiff

Jul-30-2007 08:47

Can we qualify the word "young" here? :)


Jul-30-2007 08:53

Young = Still has all own teeth or at least can remember where put them...

Lucky Stiff

Jul-30-2007 09:46

Well, then, I don't think you can generalize Jim. At 27, I know everything :)

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Jul-30-2007 09:53

Biggie, you were born knowing everything :)

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