Suspects or Witnesses
Arianna Quinn
Jul-15-2007 07:32
I wanna do really hard cases soon and was wondering which is more impotrant/helpful? Advanced rulebending or Intermediate Sweet talking?
Replies |
Lady Ruby Caplan
Jul-15-2007 07:43
I generally go for the skills catered to the suspect list rahter than townies.
Simply 'cause you can't bribe your suspects and being in an agency, others can general help out with the townies.
I guess it's personal preference. I don't see how the pros of one out weigh the cons of the other too much.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jul-15-2007 11:40
I'ts really up to you, but I'd agree with my friend LRC here too :)
Jul-15-2007 12:56
I agree to but try on the whole and keep them ballnaced (eg if you raise suspect skills then advance the Townie skill next)