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Who's the greediest townie?
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-27-2007 12:25

London - I say its the tailor. I walk through the door, she zips her lips and sticks her hand out. She takes my $$ and turns her back on me. Almost EVERY time.


Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-29-2007 05:49

Tailor in Delhi. That woman really has it in for me.

Honey Op
Honey Op

Jun-29-2007 12:46

The above post from me should read something like, "would NOT have a need for something as base as money."

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

Jul-3-2007 12:14

In London, it was the Tailor for me- until she became one of my contacts. Another bad one in London is the bartender and also the Fish Monger in Shanghai.


Jul-3-2007 12:53

In shanghi it's basicaly everyone except the calogrphist

Battered Shoe

Jul-3-2007 16:30

In Shanghai it's the evil, evil barber. Well lately it's been the barber. $500 for a, "hair cut," come on!


May-1-2008 07:43

In NY the Bartender is in a baaaaaad mood - every time when I visit him.
I start to hate Cyrus Tibby.

Con Artist

May-1-2008 08:21

The missionary in Delhi is officially my arch nemesis!

Pinball Amateur

May-1-2008 10:58

In NY, hands down, it's the Waitress every time. London, the fortune teller and the librarian are my two big clams. Delhi has the Tailor and the Postal Clerk. But the A-#1, grandmama Shrew of 'em all as far as clams goes, would have to be the Shanghai Tailor/Silk Merchant, hands down, thanks for playing. ;-)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-4-2008 11:14

BANKER, BANKER, BANKER-in NY of course!!!!

I can't stand that woman!!!!

miss snopes
miss snopes

May-5-2008 20:28

Well, I guess I should be glad that the Librarian in London and the Banker in New York are my contacts. For me, it would be the fortune teller in Shanghai. If I get one question answered, I'm doing good.

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