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Game twists
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Jun-23-2007 07:15

I have started a case where my first suspect has clammed without giving anyone's name But I got a second name from a twist. Why doesn't that name feature on the suspect list???



Jun-23-2007 10:57

Unfortunately, as Jojo said, only the twist where the suspect is arrested unlocks a new suspect. So if you had that twist with a bloody photograph, then no wonder you did not get a new name on the list. Believe me, I had this twist dozens of times - it always works like this.

So asking townies is the only option in your case... Which you did and it helped:)

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-24-2007 06:04

I've always found that the person in the bloody photo is the next one killed once you get him on the list. If you solve before he is killed then you'll find his name on a "to do list" when the killer is arrested. (he was going to kill him later.)


Jun-24-2007 07:44

Sophie, there are actually two possible endings for this twist:
1. If the person in the photo is innocent, in the end you'll be told that the murderer planned to kill him/her next. (You mentioned that)
2. If the person in the photo is guilty, you'll be told that he/she took the photo of himself/herself immdeiately after the murder.
And I think I had cases when the second person killed was not the one in the photo. So I believe this twist does not have to do anything with game mechanics - it is purely of entertainment.

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