SleuthCon II 2008 Suggestions
Rhiemma Moon
Jun-19-2007 14:30
This thread is for ideas, suggestions, proposals, etc. NO idea is too silly to mention :) although some might be too impractical to implement.
As possibilities become probabilities, I will create another thread for the Con itself and concrete facts/decisions/information.
Replies |
Honey Op
Jul-12-2007 14:45
I definitely agree with Biggie, and if it's school that's an issue doing it over a holiday weekend, not the big holidays, is still really cheap for hotels.
R Anstett
Jul-13-2007 07:35
When we planned Sleuth Con I we originally had it in early May and everyone rejected that idea and wanted it in June after school was out.
Does anyone have a suggestion for an actual time/date that would be better?
The biggest cost is not the hotel room for sleeping (which does go up and down) but the rental of space to host, which does not change through out the year.
Carrie Mehome
Jul-13-2007 08:22
Well I have a question about what people expect the cost of rooms to be. I have travelled quite a bit and the room we had in Florida was great for the price. At $70 US it was outstanding in my humble opinion. You would not get that type of room in a large city in Ontario for under $125. And our exchange rate is close now. As I said before I priced out hotels for the 2nd last weekend in June and it was around the $70 including breakfast which I feel is very reasonable. So picking a hotel on cost only you would be on the outskirts of the city in a dingy motel. I feel picking the hotel should be dependant on the amenities such as restaurants inside or very close by, coffee in your room and internet access....hehehehe for you people who can't live without it. So please could someone tell me what you think a good price is for a room?
Lucky Stiff
Jul-13-2007 11:57
I think around $70 is pretty reasonable. I was thinking more along the lines of plane tickets, which are DEFINITELY seasonally priced.
I used to work for several different function halls, and depending on the size you get, the prices aren't unreasonable. I just think a lot more people will attend if the cost isn't SO outrageous (the cost of the last one, plus the cost of the on-season plane tickets would have been well over $500 for me, for one weekend).
I mean, and this is JUST my opinion, I think the number of people who attended is a pretty good indication that something needs to change with the way its organized.
Rhiemma Moon
Jul-13-2007 12:51
Biggie, please feel free to organize this one. The cost for the meeting room alone was a major portion of the attendance fee. Meals were the other major expense. This is not a seasonally adjusted cost.
NOT including the cost of my room, my cost to attend was over $500. I reserved my flight 6 months in advance to get the best price I could. And I feel it was money very well spent. I met wonderful people in person that I had only been able to interact with online. I had an absolute blast and everyone who attended has said the same. As for the numbers... well... it was the first one. Numbers are always low for the first event. Many prefer to wait to see if it will happen again and if people really did enjoy themselves. And many simply can't afford it. I couldn't, but I managed to budget it in because it was important to me.
And again, for cost in attending SleuthCon II, I have no clue at this time what costs are going to be. We need to settle on a location before I can even begin there.
And once again... for any of you who feel it could have been better organized, put your time and effort where your mouth is and take over.
Jul-13-2007 13:06
I didnt attend Rhiemma, but I think you did an absolutely fabulous job organizing this event for us Sleuthies. I know how time absorbing it can be to organize something like this, whether it is for 10 people or 100. And I am really grateful for all the hard work you put into it. I'm sure whatever you come up with next year will be spectacular. I am already budgeting for it (whatever the cost I hope to cover it) and also I know of at least one person from England who is planning to attend.
Jul-13-2007 13:13
Are there going to be things for spouses to do at the convention? Maybe get them sucked in also, so they quit griping about how much time we spend at Sleuth? :-) I would like to bring Mrs Roamie along.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-13-2007 13:21
hehe to Mrs Roamie :)
I'm sorry, Rhiemma, I know you worked your tail off on this and I didn't mean to belittle it, you did a great job and I also know how tough it is to get everything and everyone on the same page. I do, however, think it would be a good idea for us sleuthers to take turns organizing these events, for a) variety, b) the chance for people to help out in the community, and c) to keep you from being obligated to work your tail off every year for this.
Jul-13-2007 13:28
Whomever ends up organzing it. I probably will know in about 3-6 months or so what the cheapest conference options for hotels are in Chicago, Las Vegas, and maybe LA/San diego. I'll be negotiating hotel rooms there, combined with conference rooms.
I have to do the research for my company.
Personally, I don't know how many people attend, but there are cheaper options then a conference room if less then 15 people come. Like the hotel bar, or additional room.
I have attended many conferences like this, and organized a few. And really it doesn't have to be hard. Technically, in some cities in low season, you get the conf room for free, if you get 5 hotel rooms booked or more in the same room.
Hotel industry is the best place to bargain. So whomever organizes it, make sure that you do.
As for location. Take a city that is an airline hub, cheaper for flights. Conferences usually end up being in Chicago, Las Vegas, DC. Particularly las vegas you can get good deals.
Bargain hard kids.
Jul-13-2007 13:30
Typo........you can get the conf room for free, if you get 5 hotel rooms booked in the SAME HOTEL.
You have to ask for it though, they never just give it.
Hotels are meant to be negotiated. I was a tour lead for a while, and it was my favorite pass time.