Sleuth Con Treasure Hunt
R Anstett
Jun-16-2007 10:42
And the teams are off and running, many of us here have laptops, not sure if they will ask for help with the clues they have but here is a sample.
Replies |
Jun-17-2007 11:30
giggles...in all actuality... I came in first since I already knew were you were going... giggles I am glad everyone had fun with this event. Shady was in awe of all your sleuthing and treasure hunting skills..smiles. Maybe next time you go searching for him/her the task will be harder!!! and watch out sleuthers if you ever treasure hunt against Ben... he is like a chameleon... disappears in the shadow...makes me wounder if HE is truely Shady..... :)
Rhiemma Moon
Jun-17-2007 11:42
::chuckles:: we do have pics of the treasure hunt (complete with a crime scene!) As soon as we get them uploaded to the website, we'll post a link for you all to go see :)
Jun-17-2007 14:02
How did the Treasure Hunt work?
Old Shoe
Jun-17-2007 15:52
Well I was at a definite disadvantage in the treasure hunt. Each person recieved a clue and number when they started and when they found that location there was a box with clues there and you took the one with your number and searched for the next clue. There were 8 different clues in total and when you got all 8 you completed the hunt. I came in last but enjoyed the entire weekend very much. I hope to be able to make next years It was a lot of fun and met a lot of new friends. Hope to meet a lot more next year.
Jun-17-2007 19:23
What where to clues like? I'm putting together a treasure hunt for this project, and need ideas.