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Donate $10 and recieve a Gift.
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Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jun-9-2007 05:05

Just an idea I had while in the shower:

Donate $10 and for every $10, you'll recieve a Badge of Merit.

The Badge of Merit states in your Bio:
"This Detective has recieved (a) Badge of Merit.

That will increase all your stats by 3 or give you an added bonus to a skill maybe.

However, you could trade these "Badges" at the Detective Shop.

One Badge traded in will give the key to the gates at Shangrilia.
Three Badges traded in will add one stat point to a chosen piece of equipent
And five badges traded in would knock of one FA.

I am not sure how this would work or if it could.. it was just an idea that could point work instead* of or as well as subbing.

*that is, people that don't want to sub could donate and recieves badges as a gift instead..

Anyhow, I haven't really though this out as an idea except to have it..
What do people think?
I know might think about donating real money to get a FA wiped.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-11-2007 07:43

Piccolo's idea is good. You get rewarded for good sleuthing. Ruby's idea is, as I see it, anti-sleuthing. You don't earn anything you just buy it. Where is the fun and satisfaction in that?

Battered Shoe

Jun-11-2007 07:55

I think LRC's suggestion is interesting but I'm thinking that anything we pay extra RL money for should not affect the game, stats-wise, but is more of a non-functional, superficial sort of thing.

I am thinking specifically of gear: What if people could pay for different "skins" for their gear? So say for $5 or $10 I could choose to change my Velour Cloche to, I don't know, a Tartan Trilby, or something. The hat would keep the same in-game value, money- and stats-wise, and I'd have to actually own the item before I could pay to change it. I think that if there were, say, 4 different skins per piece of gear, people with extra funds who are looking for a little more individuality would pay for the ability to choose a different outfit.

Lucky Stiff

Jun-11-2007 08:06

wtf is a Trilby?

I totally agree with Ara. I think more people (including myself) should donate to the game, but I wouldn't want to be penalized for NOT donating either :)

Lucky Stiff

Jun-11-2007 08:07

And Stooby, believe me, there have been MUCH worse ideas in the past lol. :)

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-11-2007 11:19

The donation list is set to drop people off at teh same time the money they donated would expire as a subscription.

I know that LRC was on that list in the past as well as myself.

I htink that the ideas here are good fodder for Ben to think about, and I am sure we will get a chance to discuss such things at Sleuth Con.

One realization I came to in the past is that it was better for me to "donate" to sleuth by helping with gift subscriptions. Rather than giving Ben 6 months worth of subscriptions directly, give that equivilent out to unsubbed players. That will encourage them to resub afterwards to continue to get the premium content.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-11-2007 11:39

I don't think it needs to be discussed at Sleuth Con.

What Ben does with HIS game is up to him and Sunny!

If we love the game enough, we will continue to play no matter what! :)

Lady of Shadows

Jun-11-2007 12:12

While we appreciate all of your concern for the financial well being of Sleuth (especially LRC), I don’t think that this is necessarily a conversation that’s appropriate for non-owners and/or non-partners of Hypoware.

It’s true that we have accepted donations in the past when Sleuth was just a baby, and those donations were very much appreciated. However, we now prefer all support to come from subscriptions. Subscribers (especially repeat subscribers) are what have really helped Sleuth grow and survive. Thank you to all who are subscribers, some of you many, many times over!

Beyond allowing premium content for subscribers, we’re not interested in placing extra game favor in the hands of those who can fork over more cash. Besides being a logistical nightmare on our end, it would create a lopsided community. The best way to keep Sleuth afloat is to continue your subscriptions, give gift subscriptions to new players and get your friends and family involved.

Thanks again LRC for your suggestion. You’re as always, a proactive woman!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-11-2007 13:26

Yes, thanks for the suggestion LRC.

Since we are running Sleuth as a for-profit company, we don't feel it is appropriate anymore to accept donations (even if those "donations" come with in-game rewards).

We're also hesitant to further split the community into various groups depending on how much money you're willing to pay. I know there are games that make quite a bit of money selling rewards for real money, but that's not really the type of game we want to run.


Jun-11-2007 14:05

Thanks Sun and Benny. I am happy to hear your thoughts on profit making are what i hoped they would be. I think the idea that those who want to donate send gift subscriptions to those who can't afford them is fantastic, that way the ehtos of Sleuths subscription process is kept, people can't shortcut their way to better characters and those like LRC that have the money to support the fantastic game that is Sleuth beyond thier subscription payment still get to do so.

Lee Walters
Lee Walters

Jun-12-2007 12:18

A trilby is a hat.

I think AraLives has nailed it on the head - I love fluff and would definitely pay more money for prettier duds... though I'll give the trilby a miss. I'm quite new here, so don't really have much call to stick my toe in the conversation, but - many, many games give perks to those who donate.

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