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clamming up
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Oct-10-2004 18:23

In the difficult cases, i am getting some suspects that clam up on the first question, which is usually motives, alibi is second...but anyways, they clam up on the first question, and i can't get any other people with motives..what should i one case i had only 2 suspects including the client!!!



Oct-10-2004 21:47

thx dr.falco, actually what i wanted to do, was get more skill points so i can get more skills...which if i played the easier cases, then that would take longer..


Oct-10-2004 21:49

by the way dr.falco, you are "very smart" then how come you have "tough" accessories? i thought that your accessories make your skills work better?

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Oct-10-2004 22:52

Well, there aren't any smarts skills to use in talking to suspects or townspeople - they are all either tough or charming. So I use the smarts gear in my agency to wear while searching a case, so as to get all the evidence to show up, and then I just accentuate my tough skills by wearing all tough gear during the solving. Works well for me. But if you are not subscribed and in an agency, you are stuck carrying the same gear all the time, in which case a smart detective might choose to wear smarts stuff, I suppose. But after the searching, it's all the questioning (and keeping everyone from clamming as long as possible) that matters!

On the "taking longer" issue - I, too, suffered with impatience while waiting to build my skills up enough to solve the harder cases. But it's more of a bummer to have to quit cases, to my way of thinking. You'll get there soon enough, really!


Oct-11-2004 07:13

If you are in a hurry, you might want to consider joining an agency. that way if you get stuck trying the harder cases, your teammates can help you out by analyzing evidence or questioning suspects with skills you don't have yet.

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