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Tommy Terry
Tommy Terry

Jun-3-2007 19:52

Other than an extra case a day, is there any benifit to having a sidekick?



Jun-3-2007 21:10

Ooh, does this mean I don't have to wear that smelly old towel any more? Dude, really. You could at least have washed the leftover spaghetti sauce out of that pot. Now my hair is Raggedy Ann red.


Jun-24-2007 23:04

Does the sidekick have to subscribe, or do you to get the extra case?

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-24-2007 23:43

As stated in many other posts regarding sidekicks, in order for you to get your extra daily case your sidekick has to actually use the coupon to subscribe to sleuth, thus making them your sidekick!

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