Sidekick Coupons
V Buster
Old Shoe
May-15-2007 02:32
Not really a newbie question, but how do I get them to send?
I have been to the bonus tab and entered several email addresses over the last few days and not one of them has received anything.
What am I doing wrong?
Replies |
Story Teller
May-15-2007 06:20
Yep was going to say same thing. PM Ben I think. Sometimes these things don't work 'just coz'. :s
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
May-15-2007 06:53
Ive had the same problem before. I used my hotmail account to send them and the person would never recieve them. So I ended up having to make a new account and SBC and sending them from that account and it works just fine that way!
Arabella Parker
May-15-2007 16:46
Jas, how or why are you sending them from your email account? When I have sent out the coupons, I use the bonus tab, and fill in the form. I put their email address in, my name and a message. I never get anything in MY email. nor do I have to use my address for anything.
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
May-15-2007 17:12
No I never sent them from my email address either, but I found out that when I changed my address on my det. page it worked afterward.
May-16-2007 01:54
I just sent it to my own mail and used PM to send the code to that person. But I still dont have sidekicks. I always thought it was because someone else bit me to it, but maybe it just didnt work.
V Buster
Old Shoe
May-16-2007 08:40
Reda, I'm not getting the code to give to the other person. I'll PM Ben now.
Old Shoe
May-16-2007 11:07
I did the same thing and asked him for a code...he sent me a code from the coupon, I sent it to that person, and she couldnt use it. Neeedless to say, that person never subbed!
May-20-2007 15:02
I'm going to subscribe - so is there someone who'd like to "sidekick me" ;-) ? (from what I gather so far, they will function as a kind of coupon!?)
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May-20-2007 15:10
first of all: sorry for double posting, must have double-hit the button
second: already got my coupon - thanx anyway