Multiple Accounts in an Agency
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Sep-27-2004 11:21
I want to open up discussion about whether somebody should be allowed to have more than one detective in an agency, and if so, how many.
The official policy is that no more than one detective from any single IP address is allowed in a given agency. I haven't been particularly clear on the issue, nor have I enforced it particularly vigorously, so it's understandable that a lot of people didn't realise that was the rule. If we continue with that rule, I should probably at least add a more obvious notice to the "Invite Detective" screen.
The argument for having a limit is that it is a competitive advantage to have several agents controlled by a single person, because it makes coordinating on hunts easier.
Some points:
1) No system for identifying multiple accounts is 100% accurate. Some people have accounts at work and at home, some have dynamic IP addresses that switch, some have shared IP addresses, where different people at different locations can look like the same address to me.
2) There are a few instances of where players share a computer. For example, Sunny and I both play from home, and therefore the same IP address.
3) Some people have multiple detectives just for the fun of it, and don't use that to competitive advantage. There are a few of the smaller, less competitive agencies where users have more than one detective. they just enjoy being able to share items and cases between detectives and rarely even get involved in hunts.
4) A lot of agencies share passwords. In those cases, somebody may log in with their teammate's accounts often. If they do that, it can look like they are coming from the same IP address, depending on when I look.
So, let me know. How would you like this issue handled? Should there be a limit to the number of agents from a single IP address in an agency? If so, what should it be? Should the game enforce that limit, or should I do it by hand? Should the limit apply to non-competitive agencies?
Replies |
Sep-27-2004 12:48
I also must say, and sorry that this is so long, that if at least Elvenwonder and Hakunamatata were not allowed to be in an agency together we would have to give strong thought about playing Sleuth. Part of the fun for us is the time spent together, talking about what is going on, and stratigizing. You can ask just about anyone from Lone Wolf if there arn't really to distinct people, and personalities behind the screen.
Old Shoe
Sep-27-2004 14:34
We have multiples and really enjoy having that option for playing in its broadest sense - and although we win hunts now and then (maybe once a week), I don't think the 'abuse' problem comes from someone running multiple agents per se. The shared passwords is an example of a workaround to accomplish the same thing.
If the underlying issue is that folks are getting too efficient at solving the treasure hunts - then there could be other ways to level the playing field. An agency with a limit of 4 agents but ultra big case lockers while a big agency would be limited to much smaller storage - maybe 3 cases. Having some delay and randomiztion in when earned hunt favors become available so you can't just 'run through the list'. Or limit agencies with multiple players to only playing one faction's hunts so they end up playing against each other.
But banning multiple agents across the board would penalize some of us who do it more for fun than just to win.
Sep-27-2004 15:27
I see it like this. We are the ones paying for the account so i must say that i agree with chronestrian. And really having 2 agents in the same agency doesn't really make their chances on solving hunts higher because i have 2 agencts in the same agency and today on a hunt i had the butcher favor for both names and only one was needed so that is my opinion on that. Also, it should be our choice to decide to tell our people in agencies our passwords because in my case i was out for a while and i didnt want my cases to go to waste. So those are a few of my opinions.
Sep-27-2004 16:29
Wow guys. I too am guilty of all of the above. Chron first you become the 50K director, now you are one of the first to openly come clean. You are my hero. (would you mind not playing with noeticist for a few days, then can slide one place up on the top scores...hee hee)
If Chron and I can be honest, then let that be an example for everybody to come clean. :)
I personally would be very happy, if double accounts from the same IP even get blocked. Problem is, like Ben said, problem with two people logging in from one account. I think this can be easily checked. I would assume, that people who have double players, switch around within seconds/minutes of using the other player. Ben you could see this behaviour. The chances of two players logging in within seconds/minutes of eachother is low.
Possibly Ben could implement something that prevents the same IP to log in from a different detective within 30 minutes?
Another thing is, I think Ben goes by the assumption that everybody has static IPs. Some ISPs, assign new IPs every time someone logs in, or every 24 hours, every 2 weeks whatever is the case. Some could still have an unfair advantage, as Ben could not tell. Am I right Ben?
(OK I have to admit, I just sound like the ultimate nerd. I am not a nerd, I just manage them. No hate mail please. :)
I am sooooo tempted to mention names here. But people having different detectives to spy or steal from other agencies....UNACCEPTABLE. We have been victim of this, and several others tried to join.
Sep-27-2004 16:32
So.....all of us have to go to a cybercafe, to play with multiple characters. Hee hee.
Skyler Michaels
Sep-27-2004 18:23
As far as giving people my password I think that should be our choice a couple of my agents couldn't work the other day but wanted me to work on their cases because even though they couldn't be there that day they still wanted to help the agency and gave me their passwords. Besides since we have the option to change a password now if it became a problem we can always change our passwords.
As far as having 2 agents the same in an agency. I say why not. I'd rather have the same persons agents in my agency rather then in a competing agency. besides if they do the work whats the big deal. I say we keep as is. just my 2 cents worth.
Sep-27-2004 19:30
I think that most of us have good and honest intentions w/ our multiple characters and sharing our password (just goes to show how close this game has brought so many people!) I also think it is pretty damn sad it is being abused. So I agree w/ Ben's policy.
I also think it is sort of nice that the different ( and legitimate agencies, I might add) are getting closer too. So the evil detectives out there who have wreaked havoc in our little town, have brought everyone together. So thanks.
Dr. Falco Maltese
Sep-27-2004 20:36
When I first signed on and was not yet a subscriber, I created about six detectives so I could play more than three cases a day and so that I could try out the different types of characters and such. It was all about playing the game and enjoying myself, not about strategy or cheating or anything.
Then I subscribed and joined an agency with my first character, and what I heard, unofficially and through the sleuth grapevine, was that two subscribed, agency member detectives per IP address were ok. So I subscribed another character who also joined the same agency.
My two characters can help each other with their contacts and skills, true, but having control of two characters is less effective than if I could log in as any character in my agency at any time.
We have not been doing so much sharing in that way in our agency. I can see how helpful it would be to be able to use any contact in the agency at any time, or to access a favor someone is saving for a hunt even when that person is not on. I am not saying this is cheating, but I do think it makes the hunts too easy to be so fun anymore, and I also think this has a bigger effect than merely having two characters does.
I would be willing to have just one character, although I would then get to play less. I see that there would be difficulties policing this, however, and it would bother me if I agreed not to have two characters but others with more sophisticated equipment kept doing it because they could get away with it.
I would also be willing to have my two characters in different agencies - I don't think there's anything really worth spying on, and I think I could play honestly with two sets of people. It might be more fair as my two characters could then not help each other on cases, so I would have to wait for someone else with all three of the other evidence contacts, not just for two. I would also then get to know another group of people. So there are a number of positives to this scenario.
Mortimer Brewster
Sep-27-2004 20:37
I don't see a problem with it. I mean as long as you're operating out of one agency and not being a mole in someone elses agency while working in another. People just like the game and if someone can't get to a case then someone on the team can step up for them.
Dr. Falco Maltese
Sep-27-2004 20:39
However, for me the real issue is keeping the game honest, challenging and fun. If treasure hunts are the main point of contention at the moment, then what can we do to improve them?