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Suspect problem
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Jewels Galore
Jewels Galore

Sep-26-2004 10:38

two suspects,each have a witness and a clue left at the scene for each of them. Suspects all clammed up so with no furhter line of enquiry- went for the one who had thread caught under the deceased's nail.
Turned out to be the wrong person - should've gone for the guy with the footprint. help! How do u solve it?



Sep-28-2004 06:26

By 'witness',do you mean physical witness too?

Jewels Galore
Jewels Galore

Sep-29-2004 13:02

yes there was physical witness' for each of my two suspects. they both gave false alibis.


Sep-29-2004 13:03

You might let Ben know about the case, a piece of physical evidence and a fake alibi should be guilty.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-29-2004 18:24

Every now and then there is physical evidence tied to a suspect with a falase alibi for the suspect that is cleared through research.

Do you have the research skill, Jewels?


Sep-30-2004 04:57

i dont think its possible to have a suspect with a false alibi and a piece of physical evidence not guilty.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-30-2004 08:29

I must disagree. I have experienced, as stated above, on a rare occasion, that a suspect with a false alibi and physical evidence linked to them is the suspect that is cleared through research.


Sep-30-2004 11:22

I have never had evidence point to someone who was cleared by research. Ben, is it possible?


Sep-30-2004 18:22

it shouldnt be


Oct-2-2004 05:36

I am with Jo jo on this. Never experienced otherwise.

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Oct-4-2004 18:53

Okay, I put the question to Ben on the Subscriber Customer Service Board, and here was his response:

"I have never found a record of such a case in the database."

To which I replied:

"Okay, then I stand corrected. I /am/ sometimes playing awfully late at night, and who knows what evil tricks lurk in a tired brain.

But if I ever think I find such a case again, I'll have you check it over for me!

Thanks for the response, Ben."

*willing to admit a mistake*

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