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option to accuse
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Sep-21-2004 15:04

I'm working on an intermediate case, where for some reason, I only have 3 suspects. I know who the murderer is though, but the option to accuse her is not listed. There is one suspect that I can't get to give me any other names of people that might have a motive. Would that be hindering from being able to accuse? Also, the shoemaker will not help me at all. I don't have the sweet talking skill, intimidation skill, or bending the rules skill. How can I get these people to talk?



Sep-25-2004 12:11

I'm always asking for alibi and motives then leave until check them, do some research at city hall records and analyze any evidence found. I think that any approach has to do with the skils you use and the methodology depends on character. That's the beauty of this game. Quite real

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-25-2004 15:28

Sometimes suspects clam up after one question in the harder levels. If you have asked about the alibi, you will not be able to find out anything about other suspects from that person who clammed.

If you don't complete your suspect list and you are missing the guilty person from your list, you will never be able to finish the case with a correct accusation.

Whereas if someone clams after giving you other suspects but before giving you an alibi, you can use a process of elimination and a knowledge of how many fake/no alibis there on in each level of case to figure out about whether the person has a real alibi or not.

So in my book it is always better to achieve a complete suspect list before asking about alibi first. Once my list is complete, I stop asking about motive and ask alibi first.

The only exception to this is if I still need a motive for my client. If my client's alibi is with an evidence townsperson, I might keep asking about motive until I establish one for my client, in case he/she is guilty. (There will not be a link to accuse my client if I have not established a motive.)

If my client has an alibi with a non-evidence townsperson, then I would check the alibi before I try to find his/her motive. If the alibi is real, then I don't need to waste the questions with suspects on establishing a motive for this clearly innocent client.

Also, even in cases where you can't establish what an alibi was and can't use process of elimination by yourself, if you are in an agency you can have another agent try to ask the person who clammed uo - sometimes this works. The others in your agency can also use their contacts to help clarify the other alibis and pieces of evidence, if need be.

And if all else fails, if TWO suspects accuse the same person, that person is guilty, and you don't need to worry about alibi or evidence connections.

I hope this is helpful!

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