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Network Instability
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-15-2004 17:34

Today, I moved the Sleuth server a new hosting location. Possibly as a result of this, the server has lost it's connection to the internet a few times. When that happens, it can take up to an hour to come back up. I've been working very hard trying to figure out what the problem is so I can fix it, but it might take a few days before I can fully clear it up.

I am really very sorry about the spotty service. If you feel the need to vent about it, you can do so on this thread.

I don't think the problem is due to anything specific in the Sleuth application, but if you do notice that doing something in particular in the game seems to lead to the rapid shutdown of the server, let me know and I can check it out.

Again, I hope to have this issue cleared up in the next day or two. Thanks for your patience.



Sep-22-2004 02:00

Yes, it's wonderful to have everything back to normal again! Thank you, Ben, for all your hard work!


Sep-22-2004 08:53


Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-23-2004 11:53

Ah, shucks.

Now I can get back to actually adding stuff.


Sep-24-2004 01:46

Speaking of adding stuff, I'll put in another request for putting the names of all the agents who help on a hunt on display in the Trophy Room so they can share in the glory. We have people who always help on our hunts who feel like they never do, and if they were listed with the treasure, too, we could force them to see that they actually /do/ help us get the treasure...this wouldn't be too hard to do, would it?

And thanks for adding the Last Page links on top! (Now I just have to break that automatic scroll-down habit that is already ingrained....)


Sep-24-2004 07:29

I fully agree, no one can ever nab a treasure without the help of the ones who got the first info!

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-24-2004 10:45

Yeah, I suppose it is important. Particularly since the safe crackers get a disproportionate share of the trophy room glory.
The one thing is, it seems like that could make the trophy room a messier page. I'll have to figure it out.


Sep-24-2004 10:55

OR you could just eliminate everyone's name, since it IS supposed to be a TEAM trophy. How's that sound?

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Sep-24-2004 11:13

I'm fine with that. Although I'm not sure how everybody else would feel.


Sep-24-2004 11:46

I would be fine with that. No one person does it alone!

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-24-2004 12:43

Well, hmmm. I /do/ like the glory, I admit. I just want to share it. And I was thinking that it would be a nice way to keep track of agency history.....if an agency lasts long, but agents come and go, then the Trophy Room could be the agency Hall of Fame, where those agents' names stay for posterity...

If it's too much to list all the names with each treasure, then maybe somewhere we could show by each agents name the number of completed treasure hunts to which he/she has contributed?

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