The Broadway Plaza Hotel
Barry Grant
Old Shoe
Feb-4-2007 13:01
Built in 1880, near the beginning of the Gilded Age, its mahogany walls were still in very good condition. The gilding on the marble columns was just starting to peel and the imported Oriental rugs did show some wear but all in all a very nice place to stay.
Many important people have stayed there due to the excellent food, courteous service, and a certain amount of discretion afforded by the management. Many important people still do, however due to the unwillingness of the management to cooperate with the press, this cannot be confirmed.
The hotel's low profile helps keep it a bit obscure which is what attracts the rich, powerful, and those who want to hide in style.
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Pearl Diver
Feb-15-2007 07:22
Pearl Diver entered the beautiful Broadway Plaza Hotel. She was meeting her good friend, Coral Reef, for a birthday lunch in the fancy dining room they had in the hotel.
Pearl arrived a little early so she decided to sit in the lobby and watch the people coming and going. All seemed normal until she saw 2 men in suits come up on either side of another man who was wearing some street clothes. She saw them grab each of his arms and drag him away.
It was done so quickly and quietly that no one else noticed because everyone else was either busy checking in, checking out, or reading a newspaper. Pearl was the only one who noticed because she was the only one looking around.
She saw the men take the man to the service elevator which was apparently waiting for them because as soon as the button was pressed the door opened. There were 2 other men in the elevator but they had guard uniforms on.
The man being dragged apparently tried to yell because one of the men in a suit clamped a hand over his mouth. The 2 suited men then pushed the street clothed man into the elevator and the door closed behind them.
Pearl was so taken aback by this display she started to get nervous. Her friend Coral finally arrived and saw that she was flushed. "Pearl! Are you alright?"
Pearl looked at her long time friend and smiled. "Yes, Coral. I do believe we have something to talk about at lunch." Pearl got up and went with Coral to the dining room.
Sleuth About Town
Feb-15-2007 11:36
Angel walked into the hotel, looked around, and headed for the front desk. As she approched the front desk the concierge asked "Hello, may I help you?" She said, "I'm pretty sure you can, kind sir." "What can I help you with?" he asked. She replied, "I need a room for a few nights."
He busily got his things together, lead her up the steps and showed her her room. He handed her the key. She said, "Thank You." He said, "Call me if you need anything."
She entered her room with her key. She needed to rest after the long travel. She decided to begin her work in the morning, and she laid on the bed to sleep. She put her revolver next to her head, under the pillow, for safety.
Sleuth About Town
Feb-15-2007 12:01
The next morning, she woke up refreshed and ready to work. She opened her briefcase and looked at her files. She had a lot of work to do here. First, she would call the front desk and have the concierge come up here. She, then, called the front desk and asked to speak the concierge to come to her quarters and bring her up some food while he was at it.
While waiting for the concierge, she looked through her other files, and since she learned that some of the suspects residing here, she got a list of things she needed to do.
Her list read:
talk to concierge - get his name and a list of guests currently in the hotel
talk to andrea
try to talk to barry
talk to mr. anstett
Then she thought of things she needed to do outside of the hotel and wrote:
visit city hall
talk to shady
talk to the sylvia - see if she knows anything
A knock on her door let her know that the concierge had arrived. She put her list in her briefcase and closed it. She walked to the door, opened it, and asked the concierge to enter. He willingly entered, set the tray of food on the table, and asked "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
She replied, "Yes, I have a few questions for you." With that, she went to work.
Sleuth About Town
Feb-15-2007 16:50
She got her list and went to make some room to room calls. She'd start with Andrea to see what she could find. Then she'd go down the list.
Sleuth About Town
Feb-16-2007 11:58
She called Andrea up on the phone and had a good conversation with her. After hanging up with Andrea, Angel jot some notes down then decided to move to the next person on her list.
Pearl Diver
Feb-17-2007 05:21
Pearl Diver and her long time friend Coral Reef had a very pleasant lunch. During lunch, Pearl described to Coral what she had witnessed in great detail. Coral was always amazed at how well Pearl could tell a story. "Pearl, the way you spin your yarns!" This always made Pearl smile.
"Coral, I am not spinning a yarn. This actually happened in the hotel just before you arrived."
"Pearl, are you sure you are not exaggerating?"
"Coral, when have you known me to exaggerate?" Coral looked at her friend sideways with one eye. Pearl knew she tended to exaggerate stories so she started to laugh. "Coral, I know I have exaggerated in the past but this time I am not."
Coral, who was always the daredevil of the two, suggested they go to the service elevator to "have a look around". Pearl, who was more of the nervous type, was not sure that was "such a good idea." Coral said, "Oh, Pearl, what could happen? We can be 2 tourists who get 'lost' in the lobby if we are asked why we are there." Now it was Pearl's turn to look at Coral sideways. "Pearl, it is my birthday."
Of course Pearl could not deny her long time friend a little adventure on her birthday so she paid the bill and followed Coral back into the lobby. Coral made her way to the service elevator with Pearl. When she got there she immediately spotted a small brown envelope on the floor. "Pearl, look!" Pearl looked at where Coral was pointing. "What do you suppose that is?"
Pearl looked back at Coral. "Evidence?" which made the 2 of them laugh. "Maybe we should bring that to the lost and found?" The 2 ladies looked at each other for a moment. Just then the service elevator doors opened startling the 2 ladies. A maid came out pushing her clean up cart. Pearl and Coral moved out of the way and watched the cart roll right over the envelope.
After the maid left, Coral picked up the envelope and she and Pearl brought it to the lost and found. Having done their good deed for the day, they left the hotel to go see a movie.
Sleuth About Town
Feb-18-2007 17:34
Angel walks around, knowing how hard it is to get a hold of Barry; she paces back and forth in her room, debating to call him. She decides, what the heck, she'll give it a try... She dials Barry's number.
Barry Grant
Old Shoe
Feb-18-2007 20:41
Barry had fallen asleep while readng the newspaper. It was over his face so when the phone rang and Barry opened his eyes he couldn't see right away. That startled him enough to sit upright. When he did, the paper fell away and he realized where he was.
Barry managed to get to the phone by the fourth ring. "Hello?" Barry's voice had not woken up yet so it was a bit creaky.
An angelic voice responded, "Mr. Grant? My name is Lilangel and I was hoping I might be able to ask you some questions. May I come up to see you?"
Barry responded. "Miss Angel, it would take far too long to get you cleared. I would be happy to answer any questions I can right now."
Lilangel opened her notebook and grabbed a pen. "OK, Mr. Grant. Thank you for taking the time for me."
"It's my pleasure. Now what is it you wanted to know?"
Sleuth About Town
Feb-19-2007 09:18
Angel had a lot of questions, but she didn't know which to ask. She is very grateful that Mr. Grant had decided to answer her questions. She had her notebook and pen ready, she wrote a few notes.
She asked, "Mr. Grant, do you remember what happened before you were taken to the hospital?"
Barry Grant
Old Shoe
Feb-19-2007 09:33
Barry paused for a moment to contemplate the question. He remembered sitting at the Tricky Mister drinking a Tom Collins before meeting Becky to, yet again, tell her it was over between them. He remembered leaving the bar and then somewhere around 40th and 11th he was jumped. He didn't see them coming at all.
"Well, I remember I was nabbed off the street. But the next thing I remember is being in the dark tied to a chair with my head aching and the taste of blood in my mouth. I had trouble opening my eyes but managed to get one open enough to take a look around. I could just make out the broom closet I was in and then I heard noises from outside the door."
Barry paused for a moment to collect his thoughts then continued. "I heard a foreign lanugage which at first didn't recognize. I can understand a little French but this was a more gutteral sound. Occasionally, the phone would ring and they would speak in English. Eventually, someone came in and put a sack over my head and then I felt I was being carried out. "
"I guess I was put into some sort of van or truck, still tied up in that chair, by the way. When we got to the next destination, I was carried out and brought into what I thought was a large warehouse based upon the echoes off the walls." Barry stopped there. The rest of the story got stuck in his throat as he remembered the rest.
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