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Lenny Caution
Lenny Caution

Jan-27-2007 12:34

Hellow sleuth players,
I have a small question; I wanted to subscribe and when I clicked the subscription price it took me to paypal and there at paypal I cannot choose my country(Romania) as it is not on the list. I chose Hungary as it is a neighbouring country but I coldn't make the cash transfer. Could anyone please tell me how I could buy a subscription?
Best regards,



Jan-27-2007 13:31

i'd be happy to send side kick coupons...

Lenny Caution
Lenny Caution

Jan-28-2007 05:07

Could you please tell me more info how that could be done? How can I pay with a mastercard card? And can you please give me a side kick coupon?

Lenny Caution
Lenny Caution

Jan-30-2007 06:47

Problem solved, thanks for the help.

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