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false accusation but other person was arrested


Jan-26-2007 06:15

I made a false accusation due to the fact that the other person I suspected was named in a twist as beeing arrested during the time of murder.

But at least the arrested person was the murderer! What's that? Is this a system error or is the twist message sometimes giving misleading information?


Dark Raven
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer

Jan-26-2007 06:26


The twist message will only give you three things depending on the one you get:

1- A faction advantage
2-The location of Big Lucy
3-May give you a name of someone in your investigation.

Other than that, the twist screens are there more or less for our entertainment. The twist screen cannot rule out a suspect. You'll have to rely on your skills for that.

Hope this helps


Hawkeye Harris
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe

Jan-26-2007 06:50

"3-May give you a name of someone in your investigation"

And also FYI: the "handcuff" twist (the one you got) is the only one where the suspect's name will actually appear on your list of suspects - but there will be no motive (like your client) until another suspects names him/her.


Jan-26-2007 17:23

This is not an error. Once I successfully accused the person from the twist who was originally arrested for the murder. The text that comes up after solving the case is different as well. It says something like, "The cops were right after all."
Hope this helps.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-27-2007 02:36

Bear in mind that the twist doesn't say they were arrested during the time of the murder. It says that they get arrested during the course of your investigation. That doesn't give them an alibi.


Jan-27-2007 08:29

Thanks to all of you. I did not differentiate between time of murder and time of investigation. My fault, grrrr


Feb-12-2007 11:57

Here is what it says once you solve a case with the suspect being the one the cops had originaly arrested:

Faced with the evidence I collected, Sukirti confessed to the crime.

So it turned out that the cops were right, after all, about Sukirti.

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