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I need to know now!

Mariann Madison
Mariann Madison

Jan-21-2007 19:50

I did a favor for the music teacher the mystery was intermediate!
I'm a beginner, the case is to hard for me.If you quit a case could I lose my detective liscence if I quit a case 3 times?


Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Jan-21-2007 20:01

No, you can quit as many cases as you need or want. Quitting is not bad. What is bad is getting a False Accusation. Getting 3 FA's will get you retired and you will have to start all over with a new name, and no skills, experience, gear or money.

Quit the case if you can not solve it. Soon you will have the skills to be able to solve the favors and get the gear.

Happy Sleuthing

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