Break in Case of Missing Detective
Barry Grant
Old Shoe
Jan-20-2007 21:03
The New York Times
All the news that's fit to print
by Breit Katherine Pfeiffer Adams
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Police investigators believe they have discovered the whereabouts of missing detective, Barry Grant. Grant was reported missing three days about by a friend of his, Rebecca Franks. "I was supposed to meet him at Big Lucy's that night but he never showed."
Grant, Global Sleuth Syndicate Ambassador from Shanghai, had been working at the Blue Pagoda Agency on a Good Will mission at the time of his disappearance. "He was becoming a much relied upon detective." Lady jasNmushu, a Director at Blue Pagoda Agency, said of the missing detective.
Police have reason to believe that Grant was abducted by operatives from HYDRA while on his way to Big Lucy's. "I was meeting him at the corner of Eleventh Avenue and 42nd Street that night." recounted a teary-eyed divorcee Mrs. Franks. "He never showed."
Chief Inspector James Mulligan was able to determine the last place Grant was seen. "Cyrus Tibby recalls serving Mr. Grant a Tom Collins around 7 pm that night. After that, Mr. Grant left the premises and that was the last anyone had seen of him."
This reporter secured an interview with the elusive Larry the Toe. "I don't know anything about that." was his response to all my questions.
There was a break in the investigation when a shady character finally stepped forward to reveal he saw a tall man with a hat being forced into a car. This shady character, who prefers to remain anonymous, was unable to make out the license plate number but he recognized the car and the man doing the abducting. "I've seen that happen before. Same guy. Same car."
Policed will not disclose any more details for fear it could put Mr. Grant's life in jeopardy. Chief Inspector Mulligan's final word: "We don't want to lose any more detectives to that fiendish group."
Replies |
Jan-30-2007 12:40
But she could not accept his comfort. She was so angry at him for getting himself into this. She was so angry at Amber for allowing herself to be compromised. And most of all, she was angry at The Closers and OMEGA's agents for failing to protect Barry. And finally, angry at herself. She has been here in this complex for days watching over Barry, instead of doing her job. That simply will not do.
"That's all you have to say?" - she asked him, incredulously - "If they want me dead, I'll be dead? You are better than that Barry!"
She paced the room furiously.
"I do not belive that. You obviously fought to escape your captors. You wanted to LIVE!" - she said - "I want you to LIVE!"
R Anstett
Jan-30-2007 12:57
He stopped in the doorway.
"Andrea", he said slowly. "Does he need protection from you too now?" he said with a wry grin. He walked in a twinkle in his eye as he looked at her. She always was a head turner, the two of them coul...
His thoughts sobered quickly as he surveyed Barry in his bed. "I am glad she wants you to live" he said as he jerked a head in Andrea's direction "but there are many others who do to. I want one of my top officers back in action soon. Just finished up with The Minx and now that we are back from that roundup things will heat up again I am sure. Nine villains caught in 5 days or less is a nice feat. You being attacked while the rest of us were out is not."
He idly picks up the bottle of wine. "White? you going soft on me?" he gave a slight tease. "At least we know it is not out of my private storeroom. Still have not replaced that shipment those goons smashed up."
Then he looked at Andrea again and included her in his thoughts. "I know you want some time alone, and to recover. Might even want a vacation."
pause, looking at the two of them.
"Tough. You know what is expected of you. This is a dangerous game we are playing and Shady is not the only dark character in the wings." Points at Barry, "you get on your feet soon and get somewhere that the rest of the world can see you. The more eyes on you the better."
Looks over at Andrea. "You keep your eyes on him too. I know it goes without saying but I tend to say things anyway. " lop sided grin. "You can inspire him to get back to work. You know he needs pressure like that to keep him who he is. You don't want... "looking around. "a shrinking violet" points to the plant " who is all Charm. "
He walks to the door of the room, then looks back at the couple there. "good luck you two."
Then out the door and back to work.
Jan-30-2007 13:02
Amanda was outside. She saw someone come out of the hospital. She reconized him as the man who a few weeks ago was attacking the horses in Shanghai with an umbrella. She called out.
R Anstett
Jan-30-2007 13:05
He stopped at as he was walking to the car.
"Hold up Yang", he said quietly.
Looking around he spoted a woman walking towards him.
"Yes can I help you?"
Assistant Postman
Jan-30-2007 13:35
Terra was walking along the street, pushing the baby buggy in front of her. She paused as she heard someone call out.
Looking up she saw a man and a woman talking animatedly. She heard snippets of a conversation invloving a red umbella and a stable of horses.
"How odd." she murmured softly.
Glancing down at the buggy, she noticed the baby, Angela, was starting to fuss. She bent down to soothe the baby when suddenly, she was pushed from behind. She stumbled and grabbed the person who had jostled her.
"Hey!" she shouted at the man. "Watch where you're going!"
She noticed he had an odd symbol tattoed on the back of his hand. Some kind of fluer d'les with eagle's wings and a stylized "X".
He apologized quickly and took of running. Mumbling something about a Miss. X and shoddy security.
Jan-30-2007 14:36
Nonaddict walks around the corner of the building after hearing that Barry was in the hospital. She walks up to Terra, noticing that she's a bit distraught. She asks Terra, "What happened?"
Terra explains to Nonaddict, then tells her that she's going to talk to the man and woman out here. Nonaddict nods, tells Terra that she's going inside to question Andrea about it.
Nonaddict then turns to go inside.
Upon finding Barry's room, she opens the door and sees Andrea and Barry on the bed. "Hi, Barry. Hi, Andrea," she says, "Andrea, I need to speak with you for a minute. Barry, you don't mind, do you?"
Assistant Postman
Jan-30-2007 15:36
As Terra gets closer to the pair, she realizes that she's met the man before. In both New York and Dehli. But she's never met the woman. She decides to just walk buy with a nod in the man's direction. She doesn't want to interrupt a personal conversation...
Jan-30-2007 16:39
Amanda spoke to the man.
"Wheren't you in Shanghai a few weeks ago? I saw you at the horse paddock. You had a red umbrella and were fighting horses with it. One doesn't see that every day." Amanda laughed. "What was that about anyway? By any chance are you here to see Barry Grant? I read the artical in the newspaper. What happened?"
Pinball Amateur
Jan-30-2007 16:47
Breit rushed in to Barry's room, alerted by the security team about the breach. She found Andrea with Barry, along with a woman she'd never seen before just inside the room. She turned to the newcomer and eyed her coolly, "I'm Dr. Tasker. May I help you with something, Ma'am?"
The woman jumped slightly, startled at Breit's sudden entrance, and swung around hastily, "Oh, yes, I'm here to see Andrea and Barry," she said cheerfully.
Breit cocked an eyebrow at her. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but you'll have to come back another time. I'm afraid Mr. Grant has had a difficult night, and needs his rest. He's not up to seeing visitors right now. Perhaps when he's been moved down to one of the regular floors from this secured Intensive Care Unit. For now, one of these gentlemen will be happy to show you out. It's nice that you're concerned for Mr. Grant's welfare. Thank you." She crooked a finger at one of the bodyguards standing outside the door and glared icily at him, indicating the woman be taken downstairs to the Lobby.
As Andrea and the woman walked out the door, Breit reached out and gently squeezed Andrea's arm, shaking her head slightly at her startled glance. Outside, Max led the stranger off towards the elevator, and Breit directed a deadly glare to the other bodyguard standing watch over Barry, Leo. "Get another team up here right now. I don't care if they're F.D.R.! No one comes on this floor or in this building without authorization."
Jan-30-2007 17:18
"Excuse me just one minute Brei" - Andrea said - "Let me walk out with her. I will be right back."
Andrea and non got in the elevator and rode down to the lobby accompanied by a silent and vigilant Max.
When they reached the lobby, Andrea walked non to a secured area.
"Please forgive Brei's bursqueness, but Mr. Grant is in a very precarious situation right now" - Andrea told her - "He needs rest and security right now. I will be staying here for a few days."
"I was just..." - non started
"I understand" - Andrea interrupted her - "But I now must get back upstairs. It was good to see you..and very nice of you to be concerned"
Andrea hugged the puzzled woman and rushed back towards the elevators. Max ran to catch up with her.