New founded agency
Lu Cyfer
Jan-11-2007 17:27
SUSPECT a new founded agency is recruiting new detectivs. Active players with passion to solve crimes, active in treasure hunts and good teamwork.
If you want to become a Suspect and try to rise to the top as an agency member and take it serious....
You are welcome!
Replies |
Modern Holmes
Jan-28-2007 03:43
you should suscribe in sleuth to be a part of the agency
Lu Cyfer
Feb-1-2007 00:18
We have 2 free spots left. Come to us.
Lu Cyfer
Feb-3-2007 16:58
Last place for an good active detective. Can't be sorry if you join to us.
Feb-5-2007 18:26
still have room if so send me an invite
Detective Matteo
Mar-5-2007 23:44
Werber only subscribed can join agencies..
Two openings at the moment..
Lu Cyfer
Mar-11-2007 03:47
Dan A.O. Tomeyer
Mar-11-2007 23:06
i would love to join if you will have...in New York...play everyday...and I am passionate about this game.
Lu Cyfer
Mar-14-2007 17:07
We still have one free spot. The last!
H Romeu Pinto
Mar-20-2007 22:14
Let me in. I'm new at this game, but I do log in every day, and yes, I am a subscribed player!
Also, by adding me we will have I believe 4 different nationalities in one agency...
I was born in Brazil...lol...
lemme know!
Mar-23-2007 10:58
I would love to join, new subscriber and excited with the game.