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Pms and pop ups
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Paolo Futre
Paolo Futre

Jan-4-2007 14:43

Can someone Pm me to test if I have my pop ups off and its working properly.

I have sent out multiple messages but have never had a reply. Just wanna find out if its me *sob* or a technical problem *fingers crossed*

Just an idea for the admin guys - you could have a link that will allow you to test whether you are set up to receive messages. Kinda PMing yourself!


Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan

Jan-4-2007 14:50

i have sent you a pm you should get right away if not there are several places that could be blocking your pop ups

Old Shoe

Jan-4-2007 14:57

at city hall go to service center then subscribers center there is a thread there about pms

Paolo Futre
Paolo Futre

Jan-4-2007 14:57

Not received.

How can I check my set and change it if need be?

Paolo Futre
Paolo Futre

Jan-4-2007 15:05

Everythings fine now!

I have received loads of em, thanks everyone. You can stop sending.

Old Shoe

Jan-4-2007 15:06

hope this helps if not send message to ben maybe he can help

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Jan-4-2007 15:25

Just want to add, you can send yourself a PM. In City hall, click on Search for Detective, find yourself ;) and then click on send message.

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