Fat Kitten is looking for YOU!
Dec-23-2006 06:53
What is Fat Kitten? Fat Kitten is the OLDEST still active agency. That's right, some of the BEST detectives actually made their start right here.
Interested, then keep reading...
We are currently located in Delhi. We are looking for one active player (log in daily or almost daily). We want someone who is looking to stick around for a while, grow with the agency, and help us find some treasure. And we do help newer detectives get started wtih equipment, case help, and making new friends.
Although no special contacts are required, it would be great if you have the Tailor, Post or POD contact in Delhi.
Also, to join ANY agency you must be subscribed!
Still interested, then please contact LilRach, Reda, Chloe de Wynter or Arthur Granville Smith for more details.
Oh, and we are willing to help pay for relocating to Delhi!
Replies |
Johnny Dangerously
Jan-28-2007 12:57
Hi. I used to play the game, and was at that time a Fat Kitten member, under the name Cronosyn. I had to leave the game for a while ( about a year ) but am back now, and I plan on staying. If there is an opening I would love to rejoin. Thanks!
Jan-31-2007 01:20
I cant remember any Cronosyn in FK.... but Ill PM you.
Ramses II
Jan-31-2007 09:56
Are there still any spots open? PM in that case, please.
Feb-2-2007 01:05
Yes! but looks like you already found a home. GL in your new agency!
Feb-3-2007 13:54
I would like to join but am very new to this what do I need to do?
Feb-4-2007 02:53
You just did it ;)
PM sent. Make sure your pop up blocker is turned OFF, so you can recive PMs.
Feb-4-2007 23:24
Welcome Kj! One spot left....
Feb-6-2007 03:33
Feb-10-2007 06:48
One openning for an ACTIVE detective.
Washed Up Punter
Feb-25-2007 10:00
Once again this very exciting opportunity presents itself:
FK has an opening for one active detective. Please PM reda, Chloe de Wynter or Zanjana if interested in being a part of the history of Sleuth.