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Faction Points not raising?
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Dec-18-2006 00:11

Hey guys! Two days in a row I do "little jobs" and after I answer all 3 questions correctly my points for that faction doesn't raise any higher than 36. I noticed that this is the same number that the "Father Inquisitor" always has...36. What's the deal? Why can't I bipass them? PM me if you guys know...thanks so much!



Dec-18-2006 00:45

Well, this is weird...I just quit a case that was negative for my faction and it did raise my points to 37...but the "little jobs" don't.....ugh!


Dec-18-2006 04:29

Lilangel - nope they should rise with every job or case. There is no limit.
But they also drop daily when the sleuthday changes.

Sleuth About Town

Dec-18-2006 04:35

thanks reda... i am more of a newbie still... but that was just a thought. i didn't know for sure... which was why i said could be instead of is.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Dec-18-2006 06:09

There is no upper limit to how high a faction standing can get. There are times that they exceed 40 or more.


Dec-18-2006 10:04

ive reached over 40 in another detective .. but it goes like this , wen ur at 20+ or a little less (cant remember), you lose one pt every sleuth day , wen u get to 30 , u start losing 3 , and on 40 u start losing 4. thats y it isnt that easy to become faction leader :)


Dec-18-2006 23:43

Oooh! Ok, that makes complete sense now...I knew we lost 1 point, but I didn't know that number raised. Thanks so much for all your help - I thought I was going crazy!

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