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Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Dec-11-2006 23:11

AVL hunts will now be unbalanced as those people who are able to find more friends for sleuth will gain a huge advantage for hunts with extra cases. So if you want to remain competitive in this game, you MUST go find other to play.


R Anstett
R Anstett

Dec-13-2006 12:02

Yes to Sara, your side kick would be a fully independant dectective. They can be in any agency, etc. They are full detectives.

The side kick issue discussed here only applies to the person who sent them out the invite and for as long as they subscribe.

Thank you Sunny for the clarification.

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-13-2006 12:08



Dec-13-2006 12:21

I would like to preface my post by saying that I respect the decisions of Ben and Sunny and that I understand that those decisions are final. I also understand that this sidekick promotion makes good business sense. Having said that, I have a problem with it for several reasons. This is kind of long, please bear with me.
Up until now, we had never been able buy anything with real world money that will give us a distinct advantage over other people when we play the game. I know that subs get more than unsubs, but once you are subbed, you are in the same playing field as all other subs. Nothing in this game can be “bought”. We all get our 12 cases, we all get a max of 10 contacts (counting Cairo), and we all get the same number of equipment pieces. The only advantages come to those players who work hard at the game. And given enough time, everyone can be competitive, especially with the help of an agency.
I understand that we are not forced in any way to participate in this, but those who do it will gain an extraordinary advantage over those who don’t. For instance:
1) If I succeed in “recruiting” 20 more people for some period of time, I will gain an extra favor a day for my agency and the hunts. If this is done by a majority of the people in an agency, the advantages are just insurmountable.
2) I will also gain an advantage during AVL hunts. Today, with my double, I would have been done with my hunt had I had 4 extra cases. This would have saved me a whole day, which makes a difference in this competition. Again, gaining an advantage over those players who don’t.

My real issue stems from the fact that we can now “buy” an advantage using outside game resources. This seems extremely unfair. A better way of doing it would be to get a discount on our subscriptions based on how many people we bring in.

Battered Shoe

Dec-13-2006 12:38

I agree in principle, Andrea. But in practice? How many people are going to be able to get 20 people to sub? Or even 10? I have been after my friends to join up forever but many just don't have time, and most just aren't into games, even one as good as Sleuth. So while I can see someone getting one extra case for bringing in a few friends, I just can't foresee a whole bunch of us recruiting 20 people. And if someone actually has the time and effort to have some sort of party, making everyone sign up and paying them the $6? Well if they want it *that* badly, good for them. Those people will be few and far between.


Dec-13-2006 13:42

I can only hope that is true, but it doesn't take away from the fact that we are "buying" an advantage using outside resources.
Ever since I have been playing I have been told that Ben has set up case limits and contact limits, etc in order to level the playing field. This takes away from that.

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