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AZN Cinderella
AZN Cinderella

Dec-10-2006 20:05

What do we do with the books that we can buy from factions? Do they help us in cases or is it just something for fun? Thanks.


Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Dec-14-2006 15:45

Ms. Amanda,

The questions being referred to are those that you have to answer in order to get information for the faction you are doing a favor for.

Check your "Politics" stats and whichever one you have at "Good" or above, you can visit that faction head and offer to do a "little job". You will be sent to one of the townies to retrieve information. When you get there, the townie will only agree to deliver the information if you answer some questions. These questions are trivia about popular mystery writers and stories.

If you answer the questions correctly, your standing with that faction goes up. If you reach the top of the heap, you get a little bonus from the faction. Don't bother asking what that bonus is. It is a well kept secret. But, if you successfully do a little job everyday for the same faction, you could be the head honcho in about 2 weeks.

*tips hat*

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