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Omega is hiring....
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Pinball Amateur

Dec-10-2006 00:34

Breit came into the Recruitment Office and looked around for a spot to post Omega’s ad. The board sure seemed busy, probably because it was winter. Heavy snows and freezing temperatures meant lots of people looking for work. She found a small space on the wall, and tacked up the ad.

“Omega Detective Agency, an affiliate within the GSS Network, and in association with Hunters’ Academy, is now looking for new partners. We are interested in any active, SUBSCRIBED detectives, regardless of your experience level. Omega offers many amenities, including a fully-stocked Equipment Locker, Crime Lab, and Case File system capable of holding up to seven cases per agent. We are located in a former bank, and have a Recreation Room, Gym, and private offices for each Agent and Officer.

There is no rent for Rookies, and rent is minimal for established partners. We do have a few official policies, but our Directors would be happy to review them with you. Please go to our website at, and click on the ‘want to join?’ link at the bottom of the page to fill out the short questionnaire. Della Devine, Breitkat, Jroepel, or Alec Trevelyan will be delighted to speak with you further. Please remember you MUST BE SUBSCRIBED to join an agency.

We have a very friendly, supportive, and diverse group of detectives who enjoy socializing, role-playing, and treasure-hunting. We look forward to meeting you shortly.

Mrs. Della Devine-Harrison, Director, Omega
Mrs. Breitkat Pfeiffer-Adams, Director, Omega
Mr. Justin Roepel, Director, Omega
Mr. Alec Trevelyan, Director, Hunter’s Academy”

She quickly scanned the ad one final time, smiled, then left, heading back out into the snowy night to track down more suspects….



Dec-16-2006 15:43

i will like to join the agency!

Pinball Amateur

Dec-16-2006 16:04

Unfortunately, Melissa, you must be SUBSCRIBED to join any agency, not just Omega. We'd be happy to speak with you once you subscribe. (It's explained in the top thread that's stickied at the top of this page.) Good luck, and happy hunting!! ;-)


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Dec-16-2006 17:18

oh yes, but i will be subsribed quite soon so save a spot for me.
speaking of going to subsribe right now.

Probably drinkin
Probably drinkin

Dec-20-2006 11:43

i will join

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