Pirates! (How rude)
Ellsworth Toohey
Dec-9-2006 06:51
Well, I've been around the world four times now, and this is a first. Traveling from London to Dehli, I got hijacked by pirates.
I knew they were blockading Cairo, but up until this point I had no idea I was in danger just traveling to Dehli!
Was this danger always present and I had just been very lucky up until now. Or are they picking on me now because I am over 2 million experience ?
And how do I learn hostage negotiation?
Replies |
Lia Meliamne
Dec-9-2006 20:06
I got hit the first time I ever tried to travel out of New York to go to London. Made me scared to leave town for a long time.
Lucky Stiff
Dec-9-2006 21:28
I just got hit for the first time yesterday, and I got hit on the way to NY, AND on the way back to London...
thank god for HN :D
Ellsworth Toohey
Dec-12-2006 16:01
I just got hit again, this time trying to get from Dehli to London.
I wonder how they pick their victims. This never happened to me before, and then twice within 4 days.... I guess I was only really traveling around for the three weeks prior to that... not a huge sample size... but still.
Must get Hostage Negotiation.....