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Question about stats on the high score board
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Washed Up Punter

Nov-10-2006 17:12

I was just perusing the weekly high scorers (wow! you guys are amazing...) and was wondering just how it is possible to complete so many cases (200+!) in one week. By my count, 7X12 is 84, plus maybe another 4 favors per day - that still only makes 112, if you solved everything. Where are the other 100+ cases coming from?



Nov-15-2006 00:34

Whoa Nellie and all that!! I missed this entire discussion because I was too busy play an enormous amount of cases. We are an agency of six with six second identities, that's "within the rules" right? It's me, two daughters, two friends and the mother of one of the friends. Yup we share passwords. You don't have a lot of storage room and if you can't go check something out when your stuck you lose your train of thought. We keep lists too, who needs what skill and who is working on what faction, etc. We wanted our agents to have all their smart/charm, smart/tough, good equipment and we all like to work on AI cases. We didn't all start out together and when a new one came in we banded together and helped them get built up so they could join in on the same level as the rest of the team. Key word here.....TEAM. We love to do treasure hunts, we run our MSN IM so we can keep each other up to date on who has what favors. Maybe I missed something but I thought working together and helping each other was the point of- and the perk to- being part of an agency. My daughter married last week.... her cases go to slueth dumpster..... I think not! I had the time and the initiative and did each and every one of them. Passed them around to anyone else that wanted some and did the rest myself. Stayed up and worked cases until they were done or what was left fit in the case files. Was I thinking of "artificially inflating" my score for the boards... ? Not at all, rather I was think great equipment for everyone, money to pay shady, gearing up to go traveling, oh my! Never even crossed my mind that I was being "unethical" or any other such rubbish. You want to do 100 cases a day, I say go for it. Who cares, certainly not me. I thought I was here to have fun ad that's what I was doing. A character's value cannot be determined by the experience score. continued....


Nov-15-2006 00:37

One friend has been a sleuther for 250+ days as an unsubbed player. That, to me, says thoughtful and careful, well experienced and a valuable contribution. Our sleuth "family" operates on working for yourself but being what the agency needs during a hunt. If I am in Timbucktoo and they need to use me on a hunt, I have no problem with that. Want everyone to see how "great" you are... go catch those villans. That is uniquely individual and not at all influenced by your agency. Well that's my 2 cents worth and more. I'm going back to saving the streets of New York. E

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