Shoemaker & Co
Oct-31-2006 07:37
I have 3 shoemakers now as contacts. Anyone else that has better than that?
Replies |
Dark Raven
Trusted Informer
Nov-1-2006 11:08
I have three bartenders... In my world, i win.
David Palmer
Battered Shoe
Nov-27-2006 17:52
I did it! I have all five barbers! And not even trying...but I tell ya, everytime I had to solve a favor the Rug Merchant, I held my breath as I hit the "accuse" button...
Coco Cola
Nov-28-2006 03:32
Five barbers....... get the .... that is a record...lol.
Coco Cola
Nov-28-2006 03:33
That .....get the...was get the scissors.
Old Shoe
Nov-28-2006 06:50
In most people's worlds you win DR :)
David Palmer
Battered Shoe
Nov-28-2006 13:42
Hahaha Coco...and yes, all those bartenders certainly do make you a winner, DR...although I've been told you shouldn't drink and sleuth ;)