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Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Oct-18-2006 07:15

Wouldn't it be cool if we could get a pop up telling us when there was a reply on our post?

Post cool additions here!!

If there's already a post like this oops!!


Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-4-2006 06:46

How about pets? Like a parrot that wittnessed a crime and he kept saying things like "I'll kill you" and "die" and after you solve it he quits saying that stuff and the banker or someone gives you the bird as a thank you.

Lola Palooza
Lola Palooza

Dec-4-2006 07:01

I agree with astroldetective that there should be some way of getting favour with the other Shangri-La faction - it is an anomaly compared with the other factions that you have to make a once and for all commitment to one of them.

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-4-2006 07:07

how about showing people who are online? other than who's logged on. like who's viewing certain message boards?

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-5-2006 06:45

Lola-could you explain a little more please?

Battered Shoe

Dec-5-2006 07:00

Sara Lou, there is a parrot.

Battered Shoe

Dec-5-2006 07:01

(oops, hit enter too soon)

She's an AVH reward. I have one myself! She doesn't like traveling though so she stays home when I'm away :)

Lola Palooza
Lola Palooza

Dec-5-2006 07:06

Sara Lou: for the six 'normal' factions, you can solve cases or quit them so as to improve your standing with any of them at any time, so however badly your standing is with a faction you can eventually turn it round and get a good standing with it.

With the two Shangri-La factions though, when you take on your first mission for one of them you must commit to being in favour with that faction and out of favour with the other one for ever, so you can never get the benefits that the out of favour one offers.

Hope that explains.

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-5-2006 11:42

Ara- NO WAY!! That is awesome. But at least you know what I mean when I say pets.
Lola- Yes it explains. Thanks.

Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-8-2006 11:49

Okay. This is like dying. Any more ideas.....


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