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Lucky Stiff

Oct-15-2006 17:18

Ok I have posted a couple times in various threads on this, but since they keep getting bumped off, and ive spoken to several more people about this, I thought it should have its own thread and get the opinion of the community.

The games are fun, in my opinion, but they are taking up the entire first page of the boards, and deterring people from posting anything else, knowing its going to be buried in two seconds by Word Chain, Three Word Story, or one of the other bazillion game threads.

I wonder if it would be possible, to maybe make a NEW board, specifically for these games, so we ALL can enjoy the boards?

Please discuss, everyone. Thanks!



Nov-29-2006 15:14

yeesss... th bedazzler!!! I love this idea... it lets people who just want to play a quick game do that ... and others who want to chat do that... great idea Biggie

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