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Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Oct-4-2006 04:04

Hi, everyone!

Little old me has had to resign from Blue Pagoda Agency (which is an awesome agency, btw) due to recent events in my real life world which will leave me with less time to Sleuth. As a result, I am looking for a small, laid back agency where I can log in and play however many or however few cases I have time for, yet still have the comraderie of fellow agency members.

In the alternative, if anyone is interested, I might start up a small, very laid back agency of my own. If anyone has the barber or tailor as a contact (I already have a shoe maker contact lined up) and is interested in getting into such an agency, PM me and we'll talk about it.

Thanks for your interest.


Lucian Ty
Lucian Ty

Oct-4-2006 13:52

Blood & Dagger (both Shanghai and Delhi) are looking for members. We wuld love to have you: just choose the agency in the city you like best and PM me for more information.


Oct-4-2006 13:54

Sindy, Cool Cats is a small agency, just moved to London with one more opening. We don't care how much or how little you play as long as it's consistant. We help with cases, etc.

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Oct-5-2006 19:55

I have found a place to hang my hat (hopefully they'll let me stay). Thank you all for your many warm and generous offers of hospitality in my hour of aimless wandering. I wish I could sleuth with all of you. :)

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