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Old Shoe

Sep-25-2006 03:07

Same premise as the into it/not into it thing.

Read a choice. Make a choice. Post a choice.

Poodles or chihuahuas?



Nov-11-2006 19:37

natural - that way we know what you really look like

kisses or hugs?

Emma Barlowe
Emma Barlowe

Nov-11-2006 21:14

Hugs - especially bear hugs with that special someone...

Silvercrunches or fishpatties?

Old Shoe

Nov-18-2006 07:41

Silver crucnches, sounds cooler.

James Bond or Indiana Jones

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Nov-18-2006 12:26

James Bond, I must say the new film is good.

Sweet or sour?


Nov-18-2006 13:59

sour... i like the pucker..

dogs or cats??

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Nov-19-2006 04:10

Still dogs :)

A rainy day: reading a good book or shopping at the mall?


Nov-19-2006 08:44

reading a good book... malls are always packed on rain days

pizza or spagetti


Nov-19-2006 09:20

pizza - spaghetti makes me gag

ben and jerry or hagen daz (however you spell it)

Y'all can call me Bucky
Y'all can call me Bucky

Nov-19-2006 21:08

Our ol'prize hog SugahPlum she done had a three headed little'un an we called two of them there heads Ben an'Jerry after Missy Sue's third cuzins twice removed on her Pappy's side. The third'n we called Snouty, on accounta his big ears.

Anyway, that littl'un made soma the finest hog snout gumbo that Missy Sue done ever made. Tastin that messa goodness put a smile on mah face like a wave on a slop bucket.

So I guess I be choosin Ben an'Jerry, on account of'n that there gumbo...

Do you folk done like the fidul or the banjo?

Y'all can call me Bucky.

Washed Up Punter

Nov-19-2006 23:05

Definitely the fiddle. No banjos please. :)

Movies in theaters or at home?

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