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"Gotta Catch Them All"
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Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Sep-22-2006 22:41

How many villians have you caught? Who has caught the most? Tell your personal stories of the thrill of the chase and the agonizing pain of defeat, champions of sleuth.


Vanilla Peach
Vanilla Peach

Sep-26-2006 10:39

Just so no one thinks I was trying to spoil the game or say something obscene, my deleated post was a question about the villain hunt. I thought it was general enough, but I guess it wasn't. Hmm.

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Sep-26-2006 21:19

no, where is Hartlepool? In London? I have been to many places in London, but I prefer the countryside of Wales to the big city.


Sep-27-2006 07:28

Hey CB, I think you must lead in villians caught. I've got 1 caught, 1 failed.

What happened then?

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Sep-27-2006 13:52

No, I am definitely not in the lead. As for my next section here it is.

I had stashed the monkey inside my sparkly vest, and fortunately boarded the boat without anyone noticing. I desired to leave the country as soon as possible, as it was rumored that the greatest detective in the world had been assigned to capture me. I checked the boat's mainfest shortly after boarding and discovered, much to my chagrin, that Ben was on the list. I would have to find some opportunity to knock him overbaord on our voyage.

As I hurried to my cabin, which was fortunately located on the far side from Ben's, I reflected upon the events that brought me to this situation. Once upon a time I was a "good" detective, helping people with their problems. Everyone in my local area wanted my help, but there was no national recognition. Ben was the master detective back then, so not much had changed in that regard. Back then my name was relatively unknown. Eventually I became bored with the cases presented to me. I needed a new challenge, something beyond what the normal cases provided.

So one day when a woman with long brown hair came to my office wearing a red fadora and offered me the chance of a lifetime to join her for a life of crime, I accepted. Since then I have reached the status of arch villian within our organization, and now my name is recognized by even the lowest of novices. People cringe when they hear my name. I have killed more than my fair share of bumbling detectives, although that is saved as the last resort. I personally do not believe in killing people unless mmy life is in jeopardy. I would rather outsmart my opponent and leave them clueless in the streets while I steal crown jewels.

The only detective that still posed a real threat to me was Ben, and I knew that he was the most persistent man I had ever encountered. There were no chances to redeem myself if I made a mistake. I had to find a way to trick Ben into making a mistake.

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